Saturday, February 22, 2014

Mom, you are never getting great-grandma's cookie cutter back.

I sent this text to my Mom to explain that she would never see her cookie cutter again:

Dear Linda,

It's been awhile since we have seen each other, so I wanted to tell you about my new life. At first it was hard, leaving the other cookie cutters. But life is good here - I make cookies at Christmas, I sit in a place of honor on the lowest shelf...tonight I even made biscuits! In short(ning) - sorry, biscuit humor! - I've decided to stay here. I will always remember the good times with you and the cookie cutters fondly.
Yours (formerly),
Fluted Cookie Cutter

P.S. Green bowl says hello

Shawn doesn't understand that possession is 9/10's of the law...but we do. 

The biscuits (my first attempt!) are beautiful:
The fluted edges make them that much better.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Extra dining room chairs from Craigslist

My dining room table came with 4 chairs - two are perfect, one needs to be reglued, and one needs to be reglued and repaired.

I reupholtered them early on (except for the one that needs to be repaired) with some pretty blue fabric from JoAnn's.  I bought several yards, because I knew I would eventually want more chairs, and wanted to be able to reupholster them so they matched. 

I have had trouble finding other chairs with the circle design on the back (which I love), so when I saw some flowered Duncan Phyfe style chairs on Craigslist I picked them up. 

They are a bit looser than I would have liked, but I think they will be fine without regluing for occassional chairs.    I think they fit in fairly well, with the matching seats.  Hopefully, one day I can find some that match my original chairs exactly. 


Saturday, February 15, 2014


Today I ignored most of the important things I need to do, and instead focused on this critical task:

I don't know what I am going to do with 36 snapdragon plants, but I am willing to figure it out.


Thursday, February 6, 2014

An Iron Bed

I found these pictures on pinterest - this one is a vintage iron bed, and the other is a Laura Ashley, only available in Britain.  The "Somerset Cream Bed" is listed on Apartment Therapy as "Beds We'd Love to Own", and selling for about 2000 pounds. 

Then I found this:

Notice any similarities?

I bought it from Sears, in US dollars, for a fraction of the cost of the Laura Ashely.  I am going to spray paint it bright white. 

It shipped in four days, and is now set up on my bed.  I only got the headboard, as the room is not huge and I like having the bottom of the bed open to collapse on after work. 

I will paint it as soon as it warms up outside.  I usually don't find great bargains, but I am pretty impressed with this one.


Elder's, Pho Grand, & Gelato in the snow

We braved the cold and the snow to go to Elder's antiques on Cherokee street.  After missing the exit on 44 because we were too busy talking, taking a loop around the city and the baseball statium, we finally got to Cherokee street with about 45 minutes before the stores closed. 

It was still pretty snowy in the city, and cold, but we walked up and down a few stores. 

I didn't see any china cabinets for the dining room or book cases, so we drove back out to Tower Grove for some pho at Pho Grand, and gelato at Gelateria del Leone.

I think Pho Grand may be my favorite restaurant for pho:

And the Gelateria was very cute:

There is nothing wrong with eating gelato in the snow. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Closet problems...

Whoever built in all the closets in the house loved, loved, loved louvered doors. 

I do not.

I do really love this look:

You would not believe how difficult it is to find Shaker style 5 panel bifold doors.  They used to sell them in standard sizes at Home Depot around 2 years ago, but now Home Depot does not have anything similar.  Just ugly raised panels. 
